duminică, 23 decembrie 2012


Welcome & Congratulations, You Have Just Landed At The Doorstep Of Pixel Freeway, Your Information Learning Hub for Parents, Couples and Families

Here you will find top quality books containing valuable information for yourself, your partner, children and/or your family. View the benefits of joining my Book Club

Parenting Package for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Here's a great package deal of books and bonuses for parents entering the Toddlers and Preschoolers stage.
Potty TrainingPrice Slashed... Get Yours For Only $7
Get Rid of The Diapers Once and For All And Potty Train Your Toddler!
Learn about raising children right with the helpful Parenting Guide.

Is Your Marriage Less Than What You Expected It To Be? Have You Ever Wished You Could Feel The Way You Did When You Were Newlyweds?"

Bring Your Marriage Back to Newlywed AgainDon't Worry, We're Here To Help! You Can Bring Your Marriage Back To Newlyweds Again! Just By Simply Reading This Easy Step-By-Step E-Book That All Married Couples Should Have!

". . . the wedding bells are a distant memory, the photo album is tucked away in a closet and the breathless anticipation of a new life has faded away. . .how do you keep that spirit alive. . ."

"15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage"

15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage
Have the emotions of courtship become tarnished memories?
Do you find yourself wondering where the passion has gone? Is it difficult to see that dashing white knight in the guy who sits in front of the television watching football every Sunday?
Or maybe the challenge is finding the gal that turned your head with super model looks in the sloppy sweats and curlers that greet you across the breakfast table?
As they say, the honeymoon is definitely over!
The feelings are still there and the love hasn't diminished. But with the hassles we all encounter from day to day it's easy to let our priorities get out of whack!
We live in a stressful world what with work, children and financial pressure. Before we know it, our marriage has taken a back seat. It's no wonder that marriages are failing at an alarming rate

marți, 14 august 2012


     Psih. Oana sarandi

                Ludoterapia, sau “terapia prin joc” este o metoda interactiva folosita la scara larga in terapia cu copiii cu varste intre 3 şi 12 ani, de catre pedo-psihologii din toată lumea, care au inteles valoarea vindecatoare a jocului.     
               Jocul reprezinta sursa prin care putem dezvolta resursele energetice ale copilului, si este calea minunata de a explora experientele traumatizante sau amenintatoare. Ludoterapia, ca si orice alt demers terapeutic, reprezinta un proces de optimizare, de suport sau de recuperare a potentialului atat de divers al copilului. Insotita de pasiune si constiinciozitate ,libertate si fantezie, ludoterapia ofera rezultate uimitoare.

ART- TERAPIA           
Atelierul de art-terapie este locul in care copiii isi exprima emotiile,  trairile, temerile si dorintele. Se incurajeaza exprimarea libera, spontana, intr-o atmosfera degajata, in care copilul se simte in siguranta si protejat.

             Jocul copiilor poate constitui un teren important de descifrare a capacitatilor psihologice, inclusiv a celor intelectuale si a trasaturilor de personalitate: aici copilul invata sa inteleaga si sa aprecieze conduita celor din jurul lui, cunoaşte valoarea sociala a actiunilor umane si isi insuseste  numeroase modalităţi de a reactiona, proprii mediului in care se afla (familia,scoala,comunitatea)  
image011.jpg image by Ph4ra0 CARE SUNT BENEFICIILE LUDOTERAPIEI?
·         asigurara un spatiu sigur si familiar pentru exprimarea sentimentelor;
·         faciliteaza  exprimarea sentimentelor si a emotiilor in moduri originale si creative;
·         ajuta la explorarea si practicarea anumitor tactici sociale;
·         contribuie la dezvoltarea concentrarii atentiei;
·         incurajeaza si consolideaza increderea in sine si simtul  competentei;
·         dezvolta increderea in ceilalti;
·         faciliteaza depasirea experientelor traumatice stresante din trecut;
·         incurajeaza dezvoltarea unor ganduri si idei sau sentimente noi;
·         permite depasirea barierelor de comunicare;
·         incurajeaza modalitati noi de gandire si comportament;
·         creste gradul de intelegere si constientizare a unor probleme;
·         optimizeaza relatia parinte –copil;
·         identificarea copiilor ce cerinţe educaţionale speciale (CES);
·         prevenirea comportamentelor agresive.

                   Folosind metodele art-terapiei si cele ale ludoterapiei activitatile sunt structurate in urmatoarele module: Dezvoltarea stimei de sine; Intelegerea si exprimarea emotiilor; Dezvoltarea comportamentului prosocial; Dezvoltarea relatiei parinte-copil; Optimizarea interactiunii dintre copii.
           Activitatile se desfasoara saptamanal, pe parcursul intregului an scolar,  in grupe de cate 10-12 copii. La sfarsitul anului parintii vor primii o mapa care va include toate produsele obtinute de copii in urma art-terapiei.
           Contact: Psiholog Oana Sarandi : 0726901195; oanasarandi@yahoo.com


duminică, 11 martie 2012

Get Certified as a "Pet Groomer"

Have you ever dreamed of signing up for a home study course and be able to start watching the instruction videos immediately? That's what we're all about. All videos are online. Enroll now, watch now, begin learning ... IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION!

Introducing Grooming School Online... The Easy Way For You To Start Learning Now & Profiting With Your New Career!

  • You Don't Need to attend a grooming school & pay thousands of dollars!
  • You Don't Need to have any prior experience!
  • You will take all your quizes & tests. Full details & instructions are given!
  • You'll send five before & after pictures, it's easy once you learn!
  • You Don't Need to worry, we covered it all for you !
  • Most importantely, once finished, you'll receive two certificates, "Certified Pet Hygienist" & "Certified Pet Groomer"IT'S THAT EASY! all you need to do is follow these easy video lessons, pass your tests, and send pictures! 

luni, 20 februarie 2012


Dear Friend,

I get so mad when I try to book a flight or plan a vacation. I don't know about you, but the cost of a decent vacation is a lot more than I can usually afford, but I know we need vacations to recharge our batteriesand enjoy one on one time with our family

In addition to the outrageous hotel, airfare and cruise prices, you still have to wade through a sea ofbogus claims, confusing package deals and tons of travel sites just to find a price you can live with. It's enough to make you pull your hair out!


Well, after three years of exhaustive research, I have compiled a "tell all" guide that will show you, in great detail, how to travel for much less than normal (up to 50% to 90% off, sometimes even for free) and get more bang for your hard earned buck.

sâmbătă, 18 februarie 2012



        I know that you like travelling, and i know that there is nothing more beautiful in this world then to go out travel hike and see beautiful places. You traveled the world from Australia`s RockTour in the Kings Canyon with the Uluru Sunset to the America`s Grand Canyon
       But what if i tell you that now you can enjoy the travelling experience combined with the making money experience? Yes you read it OK. You can make money and travel in the same time. Let me introduce you to the best and fastest growing industry on the internet. ONLINE TRAVEL BUSINESS! 

Travel Business Academy

We are building the next generation of online travel companies. Come join us! Start a travel business; member-only, private sale, flash sale travel websites, trip/tour operator businesses, destination activity businesses, tour guide, guides, travel brokers.

You can start a travel business in any country in the world. Grow your current travel business to the next level. Enroll today in the World’s first ever, Travel Business Academy-Start up & Growth Program. Learn how to launch and grow a home-based online travel business with Matt Zito a travel business expert and veteran online travel entrepreneur.
At the Travel Business Academy, you will learn to create a unique online travel brand for your new travel company, selling a travel product or vacation package, to a targeted core niche traveler or niche travel destination, with contractual agreements directly with travel suppliers, with a goal of selling 100 travel bookings and gross profits of 20%-30% per booking.
The Travel Business Academy is open to anyone, worldwide. The program can be applied no matter what country you live in and no matter where you want to operate your business.
Get in on the ground floor of the next big wave in online travel. The NEW social e-commerce travel websites, also known as the daily deal, private sale, flash-sale, member-only travel websites are going to be the next big market opportunity in online travel and just one type of travel business you can start. Stake your claim and position your online travel business niche now!
The Travel Business Academy Start up & Growth Program includes:
*5 online business development and marketing modules. Go through each module at your own pace and build your online travel business from the ground up.
*Downloadable worksheets that take you through proven business start-up processes.
*Access to the Travel Business Academy member forum, where you can network with other like-minded entrepreneurs.
*Training videos, marketing reports, and the Travel Business Library packed with educational resources about the travel business.
*Sample contracts and travel supplier pitch letters I’ve used in my travel businesses over the past 15 years.

marți, 14 februarie 2012

The Everything Guide For Single Parents

Dear Fellow Single Parent,
You don't need me to tell you that being a single parent isn't easy. Not only is parenthood one of the single greatest blessings in life, it can also feel like a curse – especially when dealing with the hardships alone. If you've stumbled across this website, you're about to get the help you were searching for - regardless of the circumstances that led to you raising your child or children alone.
Perhaps you feel like you don't have the strength to do it alone. I'm here to tell you that you're stronger than you think. Are you ready to harness the power that you didn't even know you had, wake up tomorrow with renewed strength and energy, and experience the unique joys of single parenthood?

You don't need to be ashamed to admit you need help sometimes. Regardless of which stage of your life you are, how old your children are, or if you have full or partial custody, I'm here to help.
My own journey as a single parent inspired me to create a guide that you can turn to for support. When I took to the Internet looking for single parent advice, I was left with more questions than answers. I was simply appalled by the lack of quality information.
It's because of this that I wanted to help other single parents overcome the same challenges that I saw myself facing day after that. I'm proud to introduce…

luni, 13 februarie 2012

The Punters' Guide to the 2012 NRL Season


The Punters' Guide to the 2012 NRL Season is the must have guide for every rugby league fan. Respected rugby league writer and pricing consultant Nick Tedeschi has put together this thorough guide that is a no-holds barred assessment, unique statistical evaluation and comprehensive betting appraisal all rolled into one. With the legendary Mr Rugby chiming in, the thoughts of leading bookmaker Jason Sylvester of Flemington Sportsbet and a comprehensive array of information sourced from within the gambling industry, there is no better tool for the rugby league punter no matter how seriously one takes their betting. It can even be used to win your tipping competition or fantasy league.
The Punters' Guide to the 2012 NRL Season includes:
  • All the latest team information with complete squad listings for each club.
  • Detailed betting information from the 2011 season including analysis of head-to-head, line and total points betting for each club and the NRL as a whole.
  • Notes on betting information for the last two seasons
  • The thoughts and premiership prices of Australia’s top rugby league gambler and former Punting Ace guru, Mr Rugby.
  • Comments from leading bookmaker Jason Sylvester of Flemington Sportsbet
  • An in-depth and original statistical analysis of all 16 teams.
  • Detailed betting data for each and every team.
  • Recruitment analysis, positional and coaching assessment and draw evaluation for every club.
  • Predictions and betting advice for the 2012 season.
  • A full list of blue-chip players
This product is a must for every NRL fan. It is useful for those who bet on NRL games regularly, casual footy punters, those in tipping competitions and fantasy competitions and those who just want the latest on the upcoming footy season. There is no guide quite like The Punters' Guide to the 2012 NRL Season.

Discover How To Regain Control of Your Life and Feel Happier, More Contented and Confident!

depression help - Emotional SOS - an ebook to help you understand why this is happening to you

It is not neccessary to live with depression. Damian Mason suffered from clinical depression for over 15 years and now he is cured. What is amazing about Damian's story is that he found a way to cure his illness and he has now written a book to help others. I don't have depression but when I read it I was amazed!

Damian is now one of the most energetic, positive and outgoing people - all as a result of following his own method. He has outstanding testimonials from world leaders in clinical psychology, business and even the sporting arena. One of his testimonials is from John Eales, the former captain of Australia's world cup winning rugby team.

Damian's eBook titled emotional SOS is now available online! You can find it by Clicking HERE!

Discover How To Regain Control of Your Life and Feel Happier, More Contented and Confident!

duminică, 12 februarie 2012

Plan:One Online Nutrition Expert

Plan:One brings together all of the tools you need to create your own personalized fitness nutrition plan at the click of a button.
Plan:One is scientifically developed from the latest in cutting edge sports nutritional research. It’s like having your own professional sports nutritionist on call 24/7.
It guarantees optimum nutrition every day, providing you with the fastest way to build muscle and maximize your training effectiveness. plan:one is easy and quick to use. All the hard work is done for you – leaving you more time for working out and achieving your fitness goals.

What will  plan:one  do for me?

  • Achieve the body you want in half the time;
  • Maximize your lean muscle mass gains;
  • Minimize your bodyfat;
  • Reach your peak without any crash dieting, hunger pangs or dehydration – so you will not only look great, you will feel great too;
  • Track your progress and view your results in real time with easy to understand graphs;
  • See real results in less than 30 days – guaranteed.

sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012

Want To Get Into The Gift Basket Business? Want To Get Into The Gift Basket Business?


I know you like to buy gifts, but if i told you that now you can make GIFT BASKETS YOURSELF, how would  that be?

My name is Sherry Miller, and I've just written a new report that will teach you all the insider's secrets for diving head first into the wonderful word of gift basket creation. I'm going to teach you how to get deep discounts on supplies, and build a business that's so booming and profitable, your friends will swear you paid a fortune & spent years to learn how to do it. 

For more info please visit:
